Get Outside with MEC Vancouver



The MEC race series is coming to Pacific Spirit Park on Sunday, March 13th for a 5K/10K race called The Pace Setter. For only $15 you can run amidst this extensive trail system with professional chip timing and complimentary coffee, tea and fresh fruit. It is one of the best deals in town that that will soon be discovered.

Outside of great value this race offers a welcoming community atmosphere geared towards inspiring personal bests and living an active and healthy lifestyle. This commitment has led to race partnerships with Salt Spring Coffee, Nuun Hydration and SPUD Vancouver who regularly attend the events to support runners.

New for 2016, MEC Vancouver is working towards greening their events through waste diversion. This undertaking supports a growing member base that believes in sustainability and protecting the places we live and play.

Register for MEC Vancouver Race TWO online here.

Train with MEC Vancouver

Starting March 28th sign up for our Run a 10K Clinic which is a 10 week program that will guide you through a fun and safe training plan.

If your new to running then check out the Walk to 5K Clinic that features guest lectures and a safe progression training schedule that will help you reach your goals.

Upcoming Races

Sunday, March 13, 2016 – MEC Vancouver Race TWO: 5K/10K
Sunday, April 10, 2016 – MEC Vancouver Race THREE: 5K/10K
Sunday, June 5, 2016 – MEC Vancouver Race FOUR: 5K/10K/HALF MARATHON

Last modified: January 3, 2017

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