Succumbs to Hypnosis at New Kitsilano Hypnotherapy Treatment Centre


Image: Kitsilano Hypnotherapy

Image: Kitsilano Hypnotherapy

Rob Hadley is a hypnotist and yesterday he hypnotized me. I spent what felt like two minutes but was actually about 45 in a trans-like state as I travelled back in time to embody a former self in a session called Past Life Regression at Kitsilano Hypnotherapy, newly opened on West 4th and Bayswater. The experience was somewhat surreal but also invigorating and intriguing, and something that I never thought would happen to me.

Rob has been a hypnotist for ten years and is at the center of this world in Vancouver. He founded Vancouver Hypnotherapy, Canada’s leading hypnotherapy clinic, seven years ago. That clinic has six therapists and treats everything from addiction to anxiety to eating disorders, with great success.

He also performs in the Harlequin Hypnosis show, a grand theatrical event that is overwhelmingly popular and incredibly engaging. (Their next show will be this fall, October 2 and 3, at the Orpheum Annex.) Kitsilano Hypnotherapy, which just opened in mid-April, brings the clinical nature of his therapy training together with the theatricality of his performance background to create a type of metaphysical hypnosis.

The intention of the new Kits location is to offer treatments that hover in the realm of entertainment but that also help people along their own paths of self-discovery and personal development. Services include palm readings, tarot card readings, out-of-body experiences, and past life regressions. They have potential to be mind-expanding exercises that can help you to put together some of the confusing pieces of your life, or they can simply be a relaxing and fun break in the midst of a hectic week.

The vibe is very much playful and curious. Rob does not take himself at all seriously, approaching each encounter with a sense of humour. That made it all the more shocking for me when it actually worked! I was very open to the idea of being hypnotized, but I still couldn’t believe that it really happened. When Rob snapped his fingers and I woke up, I felt like I had just slept for three days, suddenly reinvigorated and happy. I remembered everything that he had said and everything that I had seen when I was “asleep”, and we chatted about what it all might mean. I left with a smile on my face and a lot to think about.

Rob tells me that Kitsilano was the obvious choice for a new clinic that would have a much more relaxed feel for the purpose of self-development, as the community is very connected to its spiritual side and open to all sorts of new experiences. I, for one, thoroughly enjoyed myself and definitely recommend that you all go give it a try. Who knows what you might discover.

2956 West 4th Ave (@ Bayswater St.),

Last modified: May 20, 2015

One Response to " Succumbs to Hypnosis at New Kitsilano Hypnotherapy Treatment Centre "

  1. helena says:

    I have tried hypnotherapy at KItsilano and it was such an amazing experience. the hypnotherapist told me that i can choose some of their spiritual experiences like: past life or life between lives or even a future life progression, where i can see my future with my own eyes. well, i choose a life berween lives experience because I was curious what happens after. It was amazing what happened in that session. I understood a lot of things about my life .