Come on out for the West Side Family Place Annual Fundraiser October 23


wsfp-fundraiserCome out and enjoy a comedy improv evening at the Vancouver Theatre Sports League in support of West Side Family Place on October 23.

West Side Family Place will hold its 9th Annual Fall Frenzy Gala to raise funds for its early childhood learning programs and family support services. The evening will be filled with laughter, canapés, drinks, fundraising raffle, live and silent auction, and a hilarious show by the talented improv performers of Vancouver Theatre Sports League. Tickets are still available, cost $40 and can be purchased directly from Family Place,

Why get involved? West Side Family Place is the only dedicated family resource center on Vancouver’s west side helping families meet new friends, gain a sense of community and get support so they can raise happy, healthy children. Located in the heart of Kitsilano at McDonald and 11th Avenue, more than 20,000 adults and young children visit each year to take part in programs, education events, and the busy Drop-In program every week day.

West Side Family Place,  2819 West 11th Avenue, 604 738 2818,

Last modified: October 1, 2014

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