Need to Know: Kitsilano Patios open until Midnight



No fun city? No way. The City of Vancouver has officially granted 53 Vancouver establishments permission to keep their patios open until midnight (one hour later) between April and October.

It’s all part of a pilot program to see if we can handle extended patio hours while maintaining good behaviour. Restaurants and bars with good track records, up-to-date insurance and no noise complaints on file within the past year, were eligible to apply online for the one-hour extension. Patios were also allowed to stay open late during the 2010 Olympics; that went fine.

Now that we’ve got the weather for it, here are the patios that will stay open late in Kitsilano:

Kitsilano Patios open until Midnight

  • Coppertank, 3135 W Broadway
  • Elwoods, 3145 W Broadway
  • Gargoyles, 3357 W Broadway
  • Octopus Garden, 1995 Cornwall
  • Regal Beagle, 2283 W Broadway
  • Browns, 3651 W 10th
  • Calhouns, 3035 W Broadway
  • Sunset Grill, 2204 York Ave

Last modified: May 13, 2014

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