Kitsilano Food News Round Up



News bites about Kitsilano restaurants and shops. Warning: These may make you hungry.

Kitsilano Food News Round Up

Exec chef Mike Robbins of Kitsilano’s Oakwood Canadian Bistro won the BC Blueberry Council’s Frozen Chefs’ Invitational.  The award-winning dish, savoury BC blueberry perogies, was described as a beautiful, thoughtful and well-balanced. Food porn above.

Chocolate Arts, Kitsilano’s top-ranked artisan chocolaterie, is offering a one-of-a-kind seasonal Holiday Xtravaganza class November 16 and 17. During an intense session of chocolate making participants will craft over 100 seasonal chocolates to take home. It’s $168 per person. Tickets are going fast.

Waffle Gone Wild has introduced seasonal pie waffles. Our pick is apple cinnamon–a welcome twist on classic apple pie.

Kitsilano residents are skipping the queue at the West 4th Whole Foods juice bar in favour of Krokodile Pear, the newish organic, cold pressed juicery that opened at West 1st and Cypress in August.  The big draw: owner Nick Lewis has designed a clever system to keep his cold-pressed juices on tap. So you’ll never have to keep track of a laminated placard while jostling health nuts in the post-yoga juice mob again.

Three Kitsilano restaurants made it onto the Vancouver’s Essential 38 Restaurants list compiled by Eater. They are: Fable, Maenam and La Quercia. Not exactly hidden gems.

Best-selling cookbook author and chef Mollie Katzen of The Moosewood Cookbook returns to Barbara-Jo’s Books to Cooks November 12. Katzen will talk about her new book, The Heart of the Plate. Katzen was the first celebrated cookbook author to cross the threshold at Books to Cooks sixteen years ago. Tickets are $50.

Have one to add? Help out by commenting below. Or tweet us @Kitsilano.

Last modified: November 3, 2013

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