Kitsilano’s H.R. MacMillan Space Centre Responsible for UFO Scare in Vancouver


Do aliens exist? The Vancouver blogosphere as well as  international news outlets have been asking this question ever since there was a UFO sighting during a Vancouver Canadians baseball game. A video appeared on YouTube last week showing an object covered with bright lights hovering between two trees outside Nat Bailey Stadium.

The clip was accompanied by Twitter photos of the UFO  which circulated in local and international news outlets. The (space)ship really hit the fan when UFO believer blogs and publications such as Open Minds Magazine got their hands on the material.

And so aliens existed. At least until the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre revealed it masterminded the Vancouver UFO sighting to hype up its $500,000 digital upgrade for the Planetarium Theatre, which was completed over the summer. The UFO was actually a drone in the shape of the Space Centre.
Lessons learned? The Planetarium upgrade is probably pretty cool, if it was worth that kind of publicity stunt. So go check it out, Kitsilano residents.
H.R. MacMillan Space Centre, 1100 Chestnut Streeet, 604.738.7827,

Last modified: April 25, 2019

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