Rude Trash Can Message Infuriates Kitsilano Residents


8757359A smallish act of vandalism is infuriating Kits residents. Someone has posted stickers on 20 or so Kits trash cans that read:

“Help the handicapped. If you see mentally disadvantaged people putting paper cups, plastic cups, newspapers or other trash in the rack meant for deposit bottles and cans only, please try to help them understand: ‘Garbage goes in the BIG hole.'”

The garbage-disposal rack was first implemented a year ago as a pilot project and is meant to help those who collect bottles and cans by separating the recyclables from the trash. It isn’t meant for coffee cups. But trash cans aren’t meant for an organized offensive PR campaign either…

The stickers were posted on 20 garbage cans in Kits. Most of the affected cans were on Broadway Avenue west of Macdonald Street, with three spotted at Macdonald and 4th Avenue.

The really interesting reading was the responses from Kits residents scrawled in marker etc. Let us know if you spot one before the city takes them down.

Photo credit: Ward Perrin, PNG , The Province

Last modified: August 8, 2013

One Response to " Rude Trash Can Message Infuriates Kitsilano Residents "

  1. This is meant for those people stupid enough not to follow simple instructions. No need to be infuriated about it.