Cross-Training in Kitsilano: Kitsilano Pool Swimming Edition


the view above Kitsilano Beach Pool

the view above Kitsilano Pool

My swimming workouts involve the use of an occasional prop
. Fun fact (actually, it’s an embarrassing fact, but what’s the point of the internet if not to shame ourselves on occasion?), I first got into swimming after a chiropractor recommend it when I was unable to run for six weeks (IT band injury, if you’re wondering). He mentioned that I should use this contraption:

image origin unknown

It goes in between your knees and has multiple purposes: gives your legs a break, increases power, focuses your swimming technique (and many more). Here’s the embarrassing part: I incorrectly heard the name of this contraption as a pool buoy (assuming that’s swimmer lingo, what do I know?). Yep, I spent a solid 6 weeks strolling into the local pool and asking the lifeguard “can I borrow a pool boy?” I found out later it’s actually called a PULL buoy and trust me, I’ll never make that mistake again.

Kitsilano Pool on a sunny day is impossible to beat. I challenge anyone to present a more beautiful location for a pool that size and stature!

image_1When it comes to function, Kits Pool has things down pat. The pool is divided into three sections: a shallow portion for families and kids (Team Canada 2027 Olympic Swimmers), a down-to-business middle section for lane swimmers (where you’ll find me, doing my best to pass as a triathlete) and a third section for casual deep-end adult users (the slide in this portion is, surprisingly, worth a try). There is a peaceful co-existence thanks to lifeguards keeping everyone quarantined in their areas. The 137m length is nothing to laugh at (an Olympic pool is 50m), so Kitsilano runners take note – this isn’t just about giving your legs a rest, it’s about strengthening those heart muscles with serious zero-impact cardio. I know I’ll be taking advantage!

What’s your favourite way to cross-train in Kitsilano?

Kitsilano Pool: 2305 Cornwall Street. 604-731-0011

Click here for current information on Kitsilano Beach Pool including months and hours of operation, location, lessons, and prices.

all images (except pull buoy) by Chelsea Siler

Chelsea is a Kits-based ultrarunner. Read more about her adventures on her running blog Have a question about running in Kits? Post a comment and she’ll give you a hand.

Last modified: July 18, 2021

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