Kitsilano Pool Opens for Summer Saturday, May 18



Whether or not the forecast cooperates, Kitsilano Pool opens this weekend on Saturday, May 18. After months of gulls doing laps in goopy green waters, the beachfront beauty is back to top summer form. So perhaps it’s time to look at season pass rates and trade in rain boots for flip flops.

“Kits Pool” is the longest pool in Canada. It’s the only salt-water pool in Vancouver. For those who are visiting Kits, it’s located along the beach at Cornwall and Vine. There’s a cafe and a waterslide. Thanks to the pristine waters and jumbo-sized tanning chairs, the pool often boasts more visitors than the nearby beach. There’s also a kids’ area with a water fountain.

Kitsilano Pool, 2305 Cornwall Ave, 604-731-0011

Last modified: May 16, 2013

One Response to " Kitsilano Pool Opens for Summer Saturday, May 18 "

  1. alessia patrucco says:

    Hallo, please I would like to know if the water is heated during May.
    best regards