Discuss a Broadway Subway to UBC with Mayor Robertson – Sunday, March 10


5547135632-2Attend “Broadway Subway – What’s Next” — a public forum on mass transit along the busy Broadway corridor Sunday, March 10 from 2pm to 4pm at St. James Community Hall (3214 W 10th Avenue). Mayor Robertson and Councillor Geoff Meggs will attend and lead a discussion on how to move forward on our top regional transit priority: a Broadway Subway to UBC.

According to the event listing, “The Broadway Corridor has North America’s busiest bus line through British Columbia’s 2nd largest downtown core leading to our largest university.” I would have split that into a few sentences, but you get the point.

Robertson and Meggs will go over the history of the Broadway transit corridor, our options moving forward and how we can realize a solution. They will invite questions from the audience in order to launch a dialogue about how to get the Provincial and Federal governments on board with a Broadway Subway.

RSVP here.

Last modified: March 11, 2013

4 Responses to " Discuss a Broadway Subway to UBC with Mayor Robertson – Sunday, March 10 "

  1. Vancouver 2034 says:

    Build the subway or all day bus lanes. Eliminate parking meters and parking on Broadway. Parking on Broadway is a nuisance and make it hard to turn on to Broadway (hard to see traffic past parked cars).

  2. Bill Barilko says:

    The real need for transit is in the eastern suburbs-it would be probably more cost effective to buy each UBC freshman a compact car instead.

  3. Kitsilano Transit says:

    @Bill You are funny. Sky train is being extended to Coquitlam right now. Next phase is to extend the same line from VCC to UBC. When completed, there will be one Sky train line from Coquitlam to UBC.

  4. BILL BRYTAN says:

    Since Broadway is always too crowded for me to feel safe on my bicycle, I often use W. 10TH AVE. But for some strange reason, cars are parked on both sides. Roads are much too costly to build to be used as parking lots. Instead of building more roads, the roads already here should be used for their intended purpose, not as parking lots. This one simple step would clear congestion for years to come. When people move to Vancouver where many homes do not have a driveway or garage they should consider not bringing their cars with them. There is no shortage of space for people; its their cars which cause congestion.