Eat, Shop, Love for Moms on West 4th Avenue, May 10


Join the street wide shopping and dining party Eat, Shop, Love for Moms on West 4th Avenue (Fir to Balsam Street) this Thursday, May 10.  50+ participating neighbourhood businesses will donate part of their proceeds to the Pacific Post Partum Support Society (PPPSS).

PPPSS is a non-profit organization that helps mothers and families dealing with anxiety or depression after the birth or adoption of a child. Established in 1971 from a grassroots initiative, PPPSS was the brainchild of a small group of women who originally met at the Vancouver Crisis Line offices and supported each other throughout their recovery. These women developed the first telephone support system as well as establishing the pattern for the Society’s peer-support treatment model that is still used today.

Hell’s Kitchen, one of the best West 4th patio spots, will donate 50% of its food sales to PPPSS You can check out their full spring menu here. Bonus: every Thursday Hell’s has 20 oz. Red Truck Pale Ale Pints on special for $5.75.

For more info, check out the full list of participating West 4th restaurants and retailers.

Last modified: May 9, 2012

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