Door-to-door scammer hits Kitsilano


24 Hours is reporting that a scammer is targeting residents around Strathcona, Commercial Drive, Fairview Slopes, and Kitsilano by going door-to-door as a fake canvasser for the Canadian Diabetes Association.

According to Vancouver police, a half dozen people so far have reported a suspect, described as a middle-aged Aboriginal man, who has been approaching houses in these neighborhoods with a clipboard in hand, asking for donations.

“A lot of the times, these people are smooth talkers. They will say, ‘Give me $10, I’m sure you can afford $10 or $20. I’ll be on my way, I’ll give you a receipt,’” said Const. Lindsey Houghton.

“Someone will feel compelled or pressured into giving them a small amount of cash just to get rid of them … and they’re doing this to dozens and dozens of houses.”

Houghton said legitimate canvassers should be ready and willing to show identification and issue contact information for their organization or supervisors. He added door-to-door scammers don’t only target single-family homes but also apartment buildings by gaining access via a resident who, out of good will, allows the scammer in.

Anyone who is suspicious should contact the organization directly or report the canvasser.

Last modified: April 10, 2012

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