Kits resident in disupute with Fire Hall 12 over cookouts and noise pollution


Kits resident Sylvia McKibbin was featured in The Province after complaining that fire fighters from Kitsilano Fire Hall 12 are ‘smoking her out’ with daily barbecues in their back parking lot near her West 8th home.

McKibbin told the paper that the BBQ wafts gas fumes and meat smells into her home which permeate everything. She also demonstrated to the reporter that ongoing engine revving and diesel exhaust from idling trucks is also a problem.

McKibbin said some of the fire fighters tried to accommodate her complaints while she believes that others are doing more on purpose. She’d like to see the barbecue moved to the front lawn of their building – something she says was suggested by a visiting health inspector.

Meanwhile the firefighters called the police April 5, when McKibbin took photos of them vacuuming their vehicles beside her fence. The police told McKibbin to stop interfering with fire fighter training exercises.

There are no bylaws to protect residents who live beside fire halls from fuel and noise pollution, McKibbin told The Province.  A spokesperson (the acting deputy chief) said Fire Hall 12 is looking into the matter and will not make further comment until after the holiday.

Meanwhile Kitsilano firefighters rescued a Kits resident Sunday morning, pulling him from his ground-floor suite in the 1800-block Maple Street. The man is in the hospital in critical condition.

Does McKibbin have a genuine complaint against Fire Hall 12? Weigh in below.

Last modified: April 9, 2012

2 Responses to " Kits resident in disupute with Fire Hall 12 over cookouts and noise pollution "

  1. Chezz says:

    Really lady??? You live next to a firehall – suck it up!

  2. Bill Barilko says:

    Part of being a good neighbour is being tolerant of others-my own experience of the crew @ this firehall is that they are very amenable both as individuals and as an organisation-I think this woman doth protest too much.