Lululemon Founder Chip Wilson stays close to his retail roots with $37 Million home in Kitsilano


Yesterday Lululemon founder Chip Wilson stepped down as Chief Innovation and Branding Officer and handed over the reins of the $5.5 Billion business to CEO Christine Day. Wilson will remain the Chairman of the Board.

But Wilson is in the news for another reason as well and it’s local. One year after the Kitsilano-born company purchased the 130,000 square foot building at 1818 Cornwall Avenue and made it their Global Store Support Centre, Wilson’s  personal residence is in the headlines.

If you head west from Lululemon’s offices along Cornwall Avenue you’ll eventually find yourself on Point Grey Road. Continue along until your find 3085 Point Grey Road (pictured under construction) and you’ll be in front of the most expensive home in Vancouver.  According to BC Assessment rolls, the mansion was assessed at $37.2 million and is registered to a numbered company with Chip Wilson listed as the sole director.

Even as a billionaire, Wilson can’t shake his Kitsilano roots.

Photo: Nick Procaylo, PNG

Last modified: January 8, 2012

4 Responses to " Lululemon Founder Chip Wilson stays close to his retail roots with $37 Million home in Kitsilano "

  1. Walk, Bike, Drive says:

    It will be interesting to seehwat he does next. Innovative is a good guess but what is the question.

    Also, roots usually mean where you originate from and Chip did not originate from Kits. Not even BC.

  2. Jj says:

    Point grey road is the most over-assessed street in all of Vancouver.Nothing has ever sold for more than 15 million yet most of the homes are assessed above that. The 45,000 square foot house at 4707 Belmont that is 90 percent completed gets a 30 million dollar assessment and this pile of concrete that is maybe 30 percent done gets 37 million. Something is wrong here folks.

  3. dale says:

    Chip Wilson is an idiot! Who but an attention hungry arse would build such an over bearing, extremely huge, and ugly monstrosity that doesn’t fit in with the neighborhood! If you want to build a home like that, intruding on the whole neighbor hood, not to say stealing away the neighbors views and tranquility for a 4 year construction project that is still pouring concrete 2 years later, than go to W. Van with the others where it is the norm and accepted. If you want to gloat your wealth why not by a big ass boat?? Jimmy Pattison doesn’t event flaunt like good ‘ol Chip. For a boy from the hood you sure are making your mark and your statement. Personally, I think you should be embarrassed for ruining the neighborhood in which you grew up.

    Oh, and for the record! Follow the road west up 4th then down Blanca and you will see the most expensive house in the lower mainland at 95 million. It is also the largest at 60k sq/ft. Built by the same contractor doing Chips. Get your facts straight.
