Happy 30th birthday to Zulu Records


Kitsilano institution of cool Zulu Records turns 30 Friday, Dec. 16. While this span of time for a human is no big thing, for a retail spot on West 4th, it’s a massive milestone. But Zulu hasn’t just sat quietly hocking its wares; the record store has been an active community presence since 1981 when they opened doors at their old location at 1869 West 4th. They’ve organized community shows, hosted so many free in-store gigs and supported local Vancouver talent.

Drop by Friday between 10:30 am to 8:00 pm.  Have a slice of cake. Spin a tune. Get 30% off everything. And find out what Zulu’s got planned for the new year.

Zulu Records, 1972 West 4th Ave., Zulurecords.com

Last modified: December 16, 2011

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