Bike to Work Week Fall 2011


Bike to Work Week PosterTwice a year, the Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition (VACC) runs a “Bike to Work Week” event. The spring event usually kicks off Bike Month (June), but there’s also a lesser-known fall event. This year, the fall Bike to Work Week will run from October 31st to November 6th.

The Bike to Work Week events are used to raise the awareness of commuter cycling in the city. Due to the darkness, dampness, and dreariness of the winter cycling season, the number of bike commuters drops. A BTWW event in the fall reminds people that with the right preparation, you can commute by bike in Vancouver year-round.

Throughout the week, there will be a number of “commuter stations” set up at high bike traffic locations. These commuter stations are staffed by volunteers and provide free coffee, tune-ups, literature, and the opportunity to talk with other bike commuters. In past BTWW events, there has been a station set up at the corner of Arbutus and 8th, but disappointingly there is none scheduled for Kits at all this fall. You can see the times and locations of this year’s stations on the BTWW website.

In addition to the commuter stations, businesses are encouraged to participate by getting their employees to form teams and log their bike commutes on the Bike to Work Week website. Prizes are awarded for a number of different categories, and to random participants.

The fall Bike to Work Week event is particularly important this year in Vancouver, due to upcoming civic elections. Cycling in the city is a hot-button issue and Vancouver has seen a marked increase in commuter cycling thanks in part to the separated bike lanes on the Burrard Bridge, Hornby Street, and Dunsmuir Street. A large participation in the BTWW events will demonstrate that these lanes will not sit empty for 6 months of the year.

If you’d like to participate in Bike to Work Week, either individually or as part of a workplace team, just sign up on the Bike to Work Week website:

Last modified: October 24, 2011

One Response to " Bike to Work Week Fall 2011 "

  1. Al says:

    As soon as it gets dark in the fall I usually stop riding to work. For some reason I find it depressing riding in the dark for 40mins.