Free lunch at the Pink Salmon Festival Sunday, August 28


According to Rob Clark, executive chef at C, Raincity Grill and Nu restaurants, many consider pink salmon “the forgotten ugly ducking, an unwanted child,” of the salmon species. Pinks go straight to the can while sockeye, coho, and chinooks go to restaurant tables.

Brian Riddelll, president of the Pacific Salmon Foundation, organized the Pink Salmon Festival taking place Sunday, August 28 from 12:00-5:00 pm in Vanier/Hadden Park, in order to change all that.

“The idea behind the festival is simple: We want to show how wonderful it is to eat,” he said in an interview with the Vancouver Sun food critic Mia Stainsby, who has also done her part to educate foodies everywhere about the benefits of pink.

Chef Clark has been extolling the virtues of the pinks at C restaurant for years. He thinks pinks have a bad rap because it used to be that when fisherman caught them, they’d treat the other types of salmon first and leave pinks for last. The few that made it to fish mongers were poor quality and had a short shelf life. But if pinks are flash-frozen at sea, they’re a delicate and flavourful fish.

Taste pinks for yourself this Sunday. Local chefs including Clark are barbecuing 3,000+ pounds of pink salmon donated by Canfisco. A salmon plate which includes bun and coleslaw is free as long as the fish lasts. The event will also have live music by Vancouver bluegrass band Redgrass, informative demonstrations and activities for kids.

142 guests so far have RSVPed on Facebook. If you’d like to attend RSVP here.

Last modified: August 28, 2011

4 Responses to " Free lunch at the Pink Salmon Festival Sunday, August 28 "

  1. Headed down today to see what was going on and had a great time. A fantastically organised event with a really tasty meal on offer. Congratulations to all those involved with the Pink Salmon Festival.

  2. Coleen says:

    We came across the festival by accident today and it was fabulous.The salmon was delicious and festival well-organized. Great job to all those who planned it and were involved. The chefs were amazing and had smiles on, even at the end of the day!