Notice to former Kitsilano Workout members


Judy has been kind enough to send along the following information for ex-Kitsilano Workout members. If you had personal effects stored at Kitsilano Workout when the doors were locked, here is how you can collect them.

  • WHEN: Monday, November 29, 2010
  • TIME: 2 hours ONLY. Noon till 2:00pm
  • WHERE: Kitsilano Workout on 4th Avenue, at the front door.


  • 1 piece photo ID
  • Proof of membership (contract, cancelled cheque/bank statement or membership tag/entry fob).
  • Bring locker key – the landlord, Westbank Developments WILL NOT be breaking locks!
  • A full-as-possible written description of the item(s) you have left at the gym, to help make the process run as quickly and smoothly as possible.

NOTE: You will be required to sign a statutory declaration for legal purposes if you claiming items left behind after the doors closed in early September.

PERSONAL ITEMS ONLY—no gym equipment can be claimed. Representatives from landlord, Westbank Developments, will escort claimants to their lockers, or look for items that may be in Lost & Found, or left in a particular area of the gym.

Any questions, look for Judy on the Facebook page Kitsilano Workout: Save It!

Last modified: November 25, 2010

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