Crosby and Team Canada dine in Kits


Maclean’s Anne Kingston reported today that the Canadian Men’s Olympic hockey team dined at db Bistro Moderne last night and will be dining at the Kits hotspot on its off-nights between games for the remainder of the tournament.

The team’s unmarked white bus pulled up at 6:30 and the players, who had just all met one another as a team two days previously, filed through the entrance bar area where many picked up a glass of beer. They then took their place at a long table where they were served “family style,” the food presented on platters, while managers and trainers fanned out at surrounding tables. Spending a night outside of the Olympic Village offered the team vital bonding and relaxation time, head coach Mike Babcock explained as the team chowed down on a delicious, well-balanced, management-approved dinner.

According to Kingston,  the wine flowed “moderately” during the dinner that wound down at 8:30 – Sidney Crosby nursed two glasses of red.

Last modified: July 14, 2010

4 Responses to " Crosby and Team Canada dine in Kits "

  1. christine says:

    Sidney Crosby nursed two glasses of red? Why is this even in here? I couldn’t care less what he eats and drink. Leave the poor kid alone.

  2. No Kidding says:

    I agree with Christine. Who cares about the wine? For that matter who cares where they eat? Is a wannabe e-talk daily? Not enough gossip out there already? How about aspiring to somethine a bit more sophisticated.

  3. Frances says:

    Perhaps because it’s the Olympics or because it’s in Maclean’s. Or maybe because it’s a neighbourhood blog with a variety of posts and voices and interests, with Wine for the Weekend’s sophistication on one end and celebrity-spotting on the other.

  4. Pj says:

    I agree with Frances – I quite enjoyed reading that post.