Fifth Avenue Movie Review: It’s Complicated


I must admit, there are some times I go out to the movies simply for the popcorn. I don’t always care about the movie but being able to sit in the dark and gorge on butter laced corn kernels is a weekend ritual I pine for! This was the case last Friday when my friend convinced me to see “It’s Complicated”.

The line-up was almost around the corner, which made me think maybe I had pre-judged this Meryl Streep flick. The movie was refreshingly hilarious due in large part to Alec Baldwin’s character.”It’s Complicated” took his beloved 30 Rock character Jack Donaghy to the big screen as Meryl’s ex-husband. The Streep/Baldwin chemistry resulted in a laugh out loud 90 minute movie that includes a love triangle, old people getting high, and Baldwin nudity scenes!

The movie is around for another week at Fifth Avenue and I rank it a must see! 20 something’s to seniors and even guys will find humour in this flick. Just ask my boyfriend, who begrudgingly came with us (the TBCY frozen yogurt with Reeses Pieces topping was the selling point) ended up leading the way laughing from curtains to end credits.

Check out the Fifth Avenue Schedule here.

Last modified: January 19, 2010

One Response to " Fifth Avenue Movie Review: It’s Complicated "

  1. Anonymous boyfriend says:

    No one can prove I actually went to or enjoyed said “romantic comedy”. However, I was told from a friend who attended that Alec Baldwin is hilarious and the movie was actually good.