Kitsilano Christmas Lights Tour



Some people get really into Christmas. I’ve seen a few people sporting Santa hats while sipping their eggnog lattes and one couple out for a run whizzed by me with their pom poms blowing in the wind.

Most people get into the spirit by putting up some lights, whether it’s around a window in their apartment or intertwined with garland around their white picket fence. A few home owners in Kits have gone all out and I made it my mission to see how many I could find in a two hour walk around the ‘hood. Here are my top finds.

  1. House on the corner of Cypress and West 7th. This guy has gone all out. There’s Santa riding a silo, a big blow up Rudolph and even lit hula-hoops hanging from the trees. Many interesting decorations to discover here folks.
  2. Right next door on West 7th you’ll find the oddest Christmas theme I’ve ever seen. On either side of the stairs leading up to the porch, you’ll find a mannequin head adorned with a Santa hat while a huge beautiful ornamental ball of lights hangs from the tree out front.
  3. House on the corner of West 12th and Blenheim features a yard full of inflatable Christmas decorations from a giant snow globe to a Grinch with lots of pretty lights as well. My favorite is the snowmen elves riding the carousel.
  4. House on the corner of Stephens and West 5th has tons of lights on the house and in the yard. Spectacular.
  5. House on Collingwood between West 11th & 12th has a display of lights, inflatable Christmas decorations and music to boot.

There are plenty of other great finds so if you’re looking for a way to burn off some of those extra holiday calories, I’ve designed a walking tour that will let you hit all of the above attractions plus some other wonderful holiday displays.

  1. Start at Stephens and West 5th (house #4 listed above) and walk south along Stephens to West 6th.
  2. Turn right and go west on 6th until you hit Blenheim.
  3. Turn left on Blenheim, then right at West 7th. At Collingwood, turn left and cross Broadway, and you’ll soon find yourself at house #5 listed above.
  4. After feasting your eyes and ears on the Christmas spirit, continue to West 12th where you will turn left and head east. There’s a crosswalk at Blenheim and 13th, but your goal is to make it to house #3 on the corner of 12th and Blenheim. This is one of my favorites!
  5. Continue east along 12th – there are quite a few nicely decorated houses along this street. Turn right at MacKenzie, go north two blocks to 14th, then turn left and continue east.
  6. Turn left on Larch, then right at 12th, and left again at Vine. If all this walking has got you in need of a hot bevvie, hit the Higher Grounds coffee shop on Vine and West Broadway.
  7. Continue north on Vine to West 7th, where you will turn right and head east to Cypress. The last two houses (Numbers 1 and 2 above) are where our walking tour of Kitsilano Christmas Cheer draws to a close.

Merry Christmas!

Last modified: December 22, 2009

One Response to " Kitsilano Christmas Lights Tour "

  1. Curtis says:

    The little rotating snowmen/elves on the carousel at Blenheim and 12th are the best — a truly hypnotic spectacle…