Sky Rockets in Flight… Observation Area Delight!


When does that transition occur that changes our perception of airports from one of exploration and adventure to one of stress, lost bags, chaos, and delays? This past weekend my daughter and I headed out to YVR’s new Public Observation Area and I think it is safe to say that this visit instilled in me again my childhood sense of wonder and amazement. It’s a great way to spend a grey or rainy afternoon in Vancouver.

Taking the Canada Line from Broadway City Hall, the trip took us under half an hour from Kits. Plus the Canada Line fare was the only cost of our trip!

Going to the airport has always been exciting for my daughter, as to her I believe it represents a door to a world that is yet to be explored. The Public Observation Area is that world, a place where imaginations soar. She gripped my hand as we rode up the escalator to the public observation area, her eyes opening wider as she began to get a glimpse of what was ahead. It was great to be able to share this time with her.

Floor to ceiling windows are what first caught both of our eyes. This great viewing platform allows for a glimpse of behind-the-scenes action on the tarmac and beyond. If you are after a closer look, mounted telescopes are at hand. The Public Observation Area also has touch-screen kiosks, which bring to life stories about YVR. A neat feature is one that lets you to watch the trip that luggage takes from check-in to being stored on the plane. There is also a user controlled flight simulator, which allows you to explore communities within BC. All in the all, the exhibits are interactive, fun and educational.

Did I mention it is FREE? Holidays can be an expensive time of year and finding something to keep the young ones occupied and happy, rather than cooped up indoors as the rain pounds outside, can certainly be challenging at times. So may I suggest a mini trip out to YVR’s Public Observation Area for a family holiday adventure? Who needs the stress of actually getting on the airplane?

We also stopped by the food court on the way back for some refreshments. Lots of variety to pick from.

Let me know what you think if you make the visit over the holidays.

I’d also love to win the contest being run until 31st December, 2009 – you too can enter to win a VIP behind-the-scenes tour of the airport in 2010. Entry forms available in shops and restaurants at YVR’s domestic terminal, as well as visiting the Public Observation Area page at You have to drop your entry forms in the ballot boxes at the airport.

Last modified: December 10, 2009

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