Cook the ‘Hood contest – Cookbooks up for grabs


Focusing on neighbourhoods renowned for the foodie environment, Cook the ‘Hood has come to Kitsilano and is celebrating neighbourhood spirit while promoting local businesses. They’ve recruited 20+ socially-conscious businesses to contribute their closely-guarded cooking secrets to make up their inaugural Kitsilano edition.

So, when they reached out to for support, we didn’t hesitate to get involved and our own Frances wrote up this description of Kitsilano for the new Kits edition’s centerfold.

Now the folks behind Cook The ‘Hood are showing us some local love and giving away five copies of their new Kitsilano edition to five lucky readers. And we’ve made sure the contest is dead easy to enter.

To win a copy, simply comment on this blog post with your first name, email address (which will not be public), and which of the 22 locations you would like to pick up your copy if you win.

On December 16th we’ll announce the five winners and they’ll be emailed with instructions on how to claim their copy at their favorite participating Kitsilano eatery.

Last modified: December 9, 2009

36 Responses to " Cook the ‘Hood contest – Cookbooks up for grabs "

  1. Margarita says:

    My name is Margarita and I’d love to win!! I can pick it up from Rocky Mountain Flatbread co if I do. Great giveaway!

  2. Andrea says:

    Were I one of the lucky winners of this cookbook, I’d like to pick it up at Barbara-Jo’s Books to Cooks.

    Looks great!

  3. Elaine says:

    I would love to win this book as we do a lot of cooking at home! I’d like to pick up a copy at Cobs if I were to win. Thanks!

  4. Lo says:

    This is a great idea for a cookbook – and a great gift idea for anyone you know living in the neighborhood (or those that like to visit!).
    If I won, I’d love to pick it up at my favorite neighborhood coffee shop, Arbutus Coffee.

  5. Andrea says:

    Wow, this looks great! If I’m the lucky gal, can I pick it up at the Go Fish! location on West 1st? Thanks!

  6. Stefan says:

    If I was to win, would love to pick it up at Arbutus Coffee.

  7. Rob says:

    Keep on entering – we’ll going to draw five winners from all the entries.

  8. Angie says:

    I would love a copy and I will pick it up at the Transilvania Bread co.

  9. Cathy says:

    I would love to pick up this cookbook at Rocky Mountain Flatbread!

  10. Marianne says:

    I’d love to win this cookbook for my food-obsessed husband, and we’d take a walk to Arbutus Coffee to pick it up!

  11. Kate Castelo says:

    this foodie can pick her copy up at Cobbs on 4th Ave! Cheers!

  12. Angie Schick says:

    Great prize! I’d pick it up at Capers on 4th Ave.

  13. Stephanie says:

    I’d love to win this cookbook, and I’d pick it up at Aphrodite Organic Cafe!

  14. Jody says:

    I already have a copy of this great community production — cookbook/handbook/resource guide/donation to food security — but I’d love to have another one to give to a friend. I’d pick it up at Capers.

  15. Robyn says:

    I would love to have a copy of this, and I would pick it up at Arbutus Coffee!

  16. Mary says:

    If I were lucky enough to win, I’d love to pick it up at East is East and have some of their amazing chai!

  17. Bob says:

    If I win I would love to pick it up at La Petite France.

  18. gaylin says:

    I would love to win and pick up ‘my’ cookbook at Capers Whole Foods Market on 4th Avenue.

  19. Darryl says:

    If I won I’d pick it up at Arbutus Coffee.

  20. Dean says:

    Great giveaway! I am going to buy a couple copies for friends who have moved away – but if chosen for the draw, my pick up location choice would be Bayswater Tea House.

    Seasons greetings to all!

  21. Charlie says:

    Oh no there’s a recipe on every page that I know I’m going to want to make immediately! If I win I’d like to pick up the book at Go Fish! or The Noodle Box to tie me over til I get home and start cooking πŸ™‚

  22. Heather says:

    I would love this book; I would pick it up at Capers Whole Foods Market!

  23. Katie says:

    Good gift idea, great cause – I’m in it to win it! Preferred pick up location is Woof.

  24. Mandy says:

    I’m definitely picking it up at COBS bread and picking up some bread for my family at the same time πŸ™‚ great contest!

  25. Wayne Mah says:

    Great idea… I’d pick mine up at the Regal Beagle!

  26. Karla says:

    I’d pick up mine at The Noodle Box! πŸ˜€

  27. David says:

    My name is David and I would love to share and add this book to our client reading selections. Thank you and good luck to all entrants.

  28. Hana says:

    I’d pick it up from Watermark – close to my house & I’d have a mimosa while I’m there!

  29. Teresa says:

    I’d love to win.

  30. Anonymous says:

    I’d pick it up at the Regal Beagle.

  31. Teresa says:

    The New Bohemian is where I’d get it from.

  32. Rob Paveley says:

    I’d love to pick up a copy from the Rocky Mountain Flatbread Company on 1st.

  33. Sarah says:


    I would love to pick up at East is East.

    Thanks πŸ™‚

  34. Beth says:

    I would love to pick up a copy from Rocky Mountain Flatbread Company, and I would likely want to stay for dinner – yum!

  35. Yasmine says:

    Hello! What a great, yummy gift idea – thank you!!! If I win, I\’d love to pick it up at my fav coffee shop, Arbutus Coffee.
    Happy Holiday Season!!