Google Street View Now Available in Kitsilano


Google Street View is now available in several Canadian cities including Vancouver and our Kitsilano neighbourhood is well mapped. The Google Maps feature shows high-resolution street-level images – check out this tutorial video and start playing around with it.

Quality is good – here is a screenshot of Starbucks on Cornwall Avenue.


Last modified: October 7, 2009

3 Responses to " Google Street View Now Available in Kitsilano "

  1. David Grant says:

    It’s definitely not perfect.

    Go here: and click forward to walk down 2nd. You’re stumbled through a teleporter and find yourself in the alley between 2nd and 1st and it’s called 2nd!

    Go here: and click forward to go towards Kits beach on Yew. Suddenly you’re in another alley! Keep going and just before you get to York you’ll get thrown in to another alley!

  2. David Grant says:

    My comment has been in moderation for 3 days now. WFT?

  3. Frances says:

    Sorry for the delay, David! (I hope it’s that, and not because I accidentally hit some wrong button…)