September Community Potluck at Neighbourhood House


The Kitsilano Neighbourhood House hosts a potluck every first Wednesday of the month, and that means this September 2nd from 6 to 8 pm!

Everyone in Kitsilano is invited to socialize with the community by sharing a vegetarian dish or two (if you’re at a loss on what to cook, their website provides some helpful recipes). Since we’re trying to be as green as possible, please also bring your own dishes, cups, and cutlery.

Potlucks are guided by community-identified themes and topics. For this month, there will be a viewing of The Story of Stuff, a 20-minute animated film about stuff, our stuff–from the cycle of resource extraction to to production, sale, use and disposal. This film questions the connections between a huge number of environmental and social issues relevant to our consumer-driven culture, so there will be a community discussion following the showing.

Afterwards, there will also be a “stuff exchange,” so bring items to donate or trade with everybody else!

To volunteer or to find out more about potlucks, contact Community Organizer Jennifer Longson at 604.736.3588 Ext.26 or

Last modified: August 26, 2009

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