Top 25 Kitsilano Businesses on Twitter


The list of Kitsilano businesses on Twitter continues to grow – we started with the Top 10 in June, grew the list to 15 in July, and August list rounds out as a Top 25. It’s great to see more and more local retail businesses tapping into Twitter as a local marketing and communications tool.

Here’s the Top 25 according to our quick & dirty research:

  1. Lululemon – @lululemon – 12,319 followers
  2. – @kitsilano – 1,450 followers
  3. Fuel Restaurant – @fuelrestaurant – 1,220 followers
  4. Zulu Records – @zulurecords – 935 followers
  5. Broadway Wine Shop – @broadwaywine – 759 followers
  6. Pebble Baby Store – @pebblebabystore – 684 followers
  7. U The Life Accessory Store – @ulink – 624 followers
  8. 49th Parallel Coffee – @49thparallel – 580 followers
  9. Crocodile Baby Store – @crocodilebaby – 562 followers
  10. Elysian Coffee – @elysiancoffee – 483 followers
  11. Frocks Modern Bridesmaids – @ilovefrocks – 384 followers
  12. Duthie Books – @duthiebooks – 338 followers
  13. Bloom Essentials Spa – @bloomessentials – 285 followers
  14. Quattro Restaurant – @quattro2611 – 254 followers
  15. Hanaya Forever Flowers – @hanayaflorist – 195 followers
  16. Oqoqo – @oqoqo – 192 followers
  17. Skyler Clothing – @skylerclothing – 178 followers
  18. Kits Wine Cellar – @kitswine – 164 followers
  19. Maenam Restaurant – @maenam – 153 followers
  20. Textura Salon – @texturasalon -134 followers
  21. Momento Coffee – @momentocoffee – 109 followers
  22. Plenty Clothing – @getplenty – 91 followers
  23. Gravity Pope – @gravitypope – 40 followers
  24. Quince – @quincekitsilano – 38 followers
  25. Pacific Boarder – @pacificboarder – 31 followers

Add any we’ve missed to the comments section below or direct message us at @Kitsilano.

Last modified: August 14, 2009

12 Responses to " Top 25 Kitsilano Businesses on Twitter "

  1. hipster says:

    How about Hip Baby on West 4th? @hipbaby_kits

  2. Miley says:

    Awesome twitter list. Thanks for putting it together!

  3. Jennifer says:

    Karran Finlay Marketing has 195 followers:

  4. Maggie says:

    This is a great list…thanks for the updates!

  5. Christina says:

    Hey, guys. GumDrops (West 4th) has 175 followers @GumDropsRain and Christina Newberry Writing, Editing & Communications Strategy (West Broadway) has 87 followers @christinakjn

  6. Ummmm says:

    Is there a prize being offered? I mean…who cares?

  7. Hey guys, looks like you missed your local Kitsilano indie record label on your list!

    That’d be us, Thorny Bleeder Records.

    Judging by your list, we should be in 2nd place with 2248 followers…

    Happy Hippy Daze to everyone!

    : )

  8. Nadir says:

    Brian, it seems when they say “businesses in Kits” they only mean restaurants and stores. Not an accurate list but more of a mutual admiration club.

  9. Doug says:

    Great list and great to see Kits businesses using Twitter. We use it to keep our customers up to date on cool green events and articles. We have over 1,000 followers @frogbox
    Thanks for compiling!

  10. Lori says:

    Take 5 Cafe West 4th….really enjoyed Summer of Love! Follow us on twitter: take5cafebc
    We make your top 25 list too!

  11. Bagdado says:

    How Can Writers Use Twitter?

  12. Gino says:

    Hi, I am trying to help market some of the local stores. I have many coupons from local stores and gift baskets for those who are new to the neighbourhood. Please give me a call anytime 10pm-7am (except during the day, I have a full time night job)

    Gino 778-840-9455