Bishop’s Maitre d’ recognized as awesome


Black Book Magazine just posted a list of the Top 10 Awesome Restaurant Staffers in Vancouver and Abel Jacinto from West 4th’s Bishop’s got the nod.

Abel @ Bishop’s (Kitsilano) – Maitre d’ (and amateur photographer) Abel Jacinto is another careerist whose dedication to perfection is always appreciated by both bluebloods and blue-hairs. As attentive as the restaurant’s well-heeled West side-regulars expect, it would be hard to compete with the likes of owner John Bishop’s manifold graces every night, but somehow he does it.

Great to see a Kitsilano restaurant on the list!

Last modified: December 22, 2009

One Response to " Bishop’s Maitre d’ recognized as awesome "

  1. Karen says:

    My mother sneezed during dinner once and they brought her a box of tissues on a silver platter.