IGA Lot Development Open House


iga-lot-developmentNick Cairns recently asked us via Twitter whether we knew what the open house scheduled for tomorrow evening (Thursday, April 16) at St. Augustine’s was about. My first thought – and response to Nick – was that I assumed it was about St. Augustine school’s plans to build a new school on the existing property.

But the open house that Nick describes is clearly not about the school.

A little digging revealed some rather interesting information about plans for the lot that is currently occupied by the Liquor Store, IGA, and David Hunter Garden Centers. And, no, Walmart isn’t coming in.

The City of Vancouver’s development application‘s site reveals that Pinnacle International wants to build another Pulse/The Vine type mixed-use high-rise. Not at all a surprising in and of itself of course, but what IS interesting is that the plans only pertain to the space currently occupied by the parking lot and David Hunter. The application very explicitly mentions that the plans do not include the space occupied by the IGA and Liquor Store.

However, it is almost inconceivable that these two stores would remain if they are building a high rise right in front of it. The stores would be inaccessible for one, and parking, which is already a nightmare at certain times of the day, would be non-existent. Visioning documents dating back to 2004 [PDF] reveal that the City would like the South half of the lot to be developed into townhouses/condos a la Arbutus Walk.

Details of the Open House:

Thursday April 16
St. Augustine’s Church – Parish Hall (2028 West 7th @ Maple)

Last modified: April 15, 2009

8 Responses to " IGA Lot Development Open House "

  1. Justin says:

    Apparently they are looking at putting several levels of parking under the new development to be used for the IGA/Liquor Store. Even so, I don’t get it. Seems odd to hide those older stores behind a new building.

  2. Robyn Kendall says:

    The notice board is VERY misleading! The fact — as admitted to me by the developer’s representative at the Open House held in late October — is that they want to develop BOTH properties. By getting approval on the front half, and putting up the construction fence, the IGA and liquor store will both be FORCED TO CLOSE due to the lack of parking. With those two businesses killed, it opens up the possibility of getting the IGA and liquor store property (which is separate and is fronted by a city lane now disquised as part of the parking lot) rezoned from its current category of Industrial. This is a despicable act of smoke and mirrors!

  3. Robyn Kendall says:

    I urge EVERYONE who lives in the area and/or uses the services at Maple and Broadway to write to the City. The Development Application number is DE412784. Write to Scott Barker, Project Facilitator, City of Vancouver, 453 West 12th Avenue, V5Y 1V4, email scott.barker@vancouver.ca or fax 604-873-7060. They have requested written comments by April 22, 2009 and this is going before the Development Application Board on June 1. They are trying to push this through quickly and quietly — don’t let them!

  4. Bill Barilko says:

    That’s exactly what I expected, sleaze and more sleaze, the whole history of that site is one sleazy back handed move after another.

  5. RS says:

    I don’t think the needs of the community will be met with this development. After looking at the commercial retail spaces provide through Pinnacles architectural drawings I can guarantee there won’t be any liquor store or Grocery retailer, larger then a 7-11, taking up residence in the Broadway & Maple site. Kiss your gardening store good-bye too! If the community needs more transient up-start business’s, laser clinics, health care providers this development is perfect. The IGA/Liquor store will be closed by January, my best guess, as they can not operate without parking. Hello increased traffic as the new proposal has 2 or 3 levels of underground parking. Hindsight being 20/20 the Home Depot Boutique store with a grocery store would’ve been a better fit.