Street parking rates to increase in Kitsilano

1162 reported this morning that Vancouver’s proposed Budget 2009 includes increasing parking rates.

As part of the budget, buried on page 33 in Appendix 7, there is a recommendation to increase the amount of money it will cost you if you decide to park in Vancouver. As predicted here earlier, a number of revenue generators have been included in the budget as a means of balancing Vancouver’s books. Hiking parking fees is one of them.

The neighbourhoods most affected by proposed increased meter rates are Chinatown, Downtown, Central Broadway, Cambie Street, Kerrisdale, Kitsilano and Commercial Drive. For example, the rate in Commercial drive will double from $1 to $2.

Apparently local merchants have been surveyed and agreed with the City’s strategy of increasing rates as a means of ensuring more turnover of vehicles on the street.

Plans are also in place to increase fines related to Vancouver city parking tickets. For fines that are currently set at $60, they will be increased by about 16% to $70. While fines currently set at $70 will be increased by about 14% to $80. Those fines currently set at $90, will be jacked up to $100.

I wonder how real estate developer and king of parking tickets Bob Rennie feels about this.

Last modified: April 6, 2009

One Response to " Street parking rates to increase in Kitsilano "

  1. BikerBob says:

    Ladner wouldn’t have raised the street parking rates!