5 Days for the Homeless at UBC


5days1This week a group of students at the UBC are sacrificing the basic necessities in attempt to draw attention to the plight of the homeless in their communities. 5 Days for the Homeless will see these students living without shelter and disposable income for five days, with all food and drink donated to them by passersby on campus. In addition, they will still complete their academic responsibilities and post their experiences on a daily blog.

The event was initiated by a group of students from the University of Alberta in 2005 and has now grown into a national event. Ten universities across Canada participated last year raising over $130,000 for youth at risk across the country, with the University of British Columbia successfully raising $15,000 in March of 2008.

This year, the money raised will go towards supporting the Broadway Youth Resource Centre (BYRC). BYRC is an integrated one-stop centre that provides a wide range of social, health, cultural, education, employment and life skills services to homeless and at-risk youth between the ages of 12 and 24.

Check out the Campaign to see the full list of rules.

Last modified: March 17, 2009

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