The Eagles are Back Once Again


I have now come to the point in my blogging life where I can start recycling old posts. Like this one about the return of the Vanier Park eagles.

Vanier Park EagleThese past few days, my commute home across Burrard Street Bridge has once again been highlighted by the sight of at least one eagle in the big tree just in front of the Canadian Coast Guard Station.

In each of our first two summers here, the nest produced two eaglets, and we took many a walk along Vanier Park to check them out. Two years ago the eaglets unfortunately didn’t survive, and last year the eaglet fell out of the tree and was brought to O.W.L. – the Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society – in Delta, but no word on whether it survived.

Again, you can keep track of the urban eagles via the excellent overview of the Stanley Park Ecology Society.

Photo by Aphex Twin

Last modified: February 17, 2009

2 Responses to " The Eagles are Back Once Again "

  1. Jody says:

    When you say they’re back, I’m not sure what you mean. I walk by their tree two or three times a week and it seems to me they use it as a base year-round. I’ve even seen one of them in the nest outside the breeding season.

  2. Erik V. says:

    Well, they do hang around year round, but in the last few days they (or at least one of them) seem a lot more active around the nest. Which also makes sense, as they are fast approaching their breeding season. So, yeah, I haven’t actually seen them breed, but I’m just putting two and two together.