Caffè Artigiano Coming to Kits


Caffe ArtigianoI thought the recent Broadway Coffee and Tea Scene Changes post was exciting enough as it is, but it turns out there’s a little more coffee excitement to be had still.

WyWyWa gave us the heads-up in the comments section that Caffè Artigiano will finally come to Kits. They just put up a large banner inside the former Life is Good location (3036 West Broadway @ Balaclava).

This seems to me a perfect location for Artigiano. It’s spacious and bright, and there’s usually lots of foot traffic along this section of Broadway.

I think a little over a year ago I would have been jumping up and down with joy about the thought of Artigiano finally opening a location close-by. Now, my reaction is a little more lukewarm. Sure, Artigiano serves great coffee, and I especially like the way they make their lattes. But I’ve also been finding their stores a bit of a mess of late (especially the Kerrisdale one). And food-wise it’s quite the mixed bag; they have some nice sandwiches and in some locations a nice brunch/lunch menu, but most of their baked goods are mediocre at best.

Still, this is an exciting opening. And one that won’t result in a closure post anytime soon.

Last modified: January 31, 2009

5 Responses to " Caffè Artigiano Coming to Kits "

  1. Erik,

    Being Vancouver fickle, cup half empty I wonder….

    While the opening is significant. The question is which of the 5 coffee shacks within 2 blocks will survive.

    My bet, Timmy’s where you get a donut and coffee for 1/3 the price of any of the remainder will be there long after the dust settles.

  2. Erik V. says:

    I don’t know Larry, for some reason I think coffee shops are somewhat more robust than most stores and most can probably handle that level of competition. In Vancouver at least it seems that coffee fits with booze and gambling in that they are probably recession-proof 🙂

    Timmy’s will have no trouble surviving for the reason you mention. Calhoun’s – ugh– will survive because people like to work there and they’re open 24/7. Starbucks is Starbucks, but you never know I guess. Artigiano will do just fine, as will Dolcetto I’m sure.

    But who knows, perhaps we should start a pool…

  3. I prefer my double double from tim hortons in the morning but whos to say it cant work out. =)