FAB Men’s Wear Sale


Back in January, we excitedly told you about the revamping of the Kitsilano FAB Clothing store (2177 West 4th @ Yew), and how it would start carrying men’s wear.

Well, the good news is that all the men’s wear is on sale, some of it up to 80%. The bad news is that this is an everything-must-go sale, as FAB has decided to refocus the store on women’s wear only. They are hoping to get rid of all the men’s stuff by the end of the year, so better hurry.

Last modified: December 3, 2008

2 Responses to " FAB Men’s Wear Sale "

  1. darren says:

    Thanks for the head’s up, Erik.

    I had actually walked by it a few times and yesterday night, decided to go in to see what they had.

    I’ll put it simply…don’t waste your time – there are much better options out there!

  2. Kellie says:

    Not just Men stuff – all Womens clothing is 20% off until Christmas with this coupon:
