Write a review. Win dinner for two.


September is restaurant review month on Kitsilano.ca and we’re giving away four $25 gift cards to Indishpensable to celebrate. We’re encouraging anybody and everybody to submit their own Kitsilano restaurant reviews for a chance to win a Indishpensable gift card. If your review gets published on Kitsilano.ca, we’ll enter your name into a draw for a $25 gift card. Here’s the fine print:

  • Reviews must be original content – no cutting & pasting from other sites
  • Reviews must be a minimum of 200 words
  • Restaurants must be in Kitsilano – between Burrard & Alma, from West 16th to Kits Beach
  • Enter as often as you like – every review that gets published on the site will result in a entry ballot

To enter the contest, submit your restaurant review by email to rob@kitsilano.ca – if it’s worthy, we’ll publish it and add your name to a ballot for our October 1st draw. Only one person has entered to date – so your odds are great. Get your review in now.

Thanks to Indishpensable for sponsoring our restaurant review contest – Gourmet home-cooked meals have never been easier.

Last modified: September 19, 2008

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