A Genuine Neighbourhood Floppe?


Life is GoodWell, we’re back to the old churn of retail store openings and closings I guess.

Less than a year ago, The Bright Side, our local Life is Good Genuine Neighbourhood Shoppe, opened its doors. And now they’re closed again.

While the store was beautifully laid out, with bright colours everywhere and a great kids’ play area in the back, it was perhaps the size of their space that did them in. With such a huge footprint, I imagine you would have to sell a large amount of t-shirts. And while said t-shirts were kinda cute, Jake, that laid back little guy, clearly does not have the same cachet in Kits as a “yogo”, like .

Last modified: August 16, 2008

One Response to " A Genuine Neighbourhood Floppe? "

  1. bz says:

    dropped in during greek days, bought my son a hat because we forgot to bring one. gulped when i saw the price tag.

    the stuff was “okay” but waaaaaaaaaaaaaay overpriced. $40 for a tshirt with a stick figure dude saying “life is good” ??? uh, no thanks.

    guess i wasnt the only one.