A Question for Businesses on West 4th


Today I noticed some street banners on West 4th for www.Kitsilano4thAvenue.com and it got me thinking about what exactly that Kitsilano 4th Avenue Business Association does. While the homepage of their website recently got a fresh coat of paint it’s still not clear to me how they represent businesses along West 4th.

In my opinion, an old-school website with an incomplete business directory does not make an association. I give them full credit for organizing the annual Summer of Love festival on West 4th in August. At least they’re not following the Kitsilano Chamber of Commerce’s lead and bailing on a long-standing community event.

So, West 4th business owners – let us know what the Kitsilano 4th Avenue Business Association is doing to promote your business, how much it cost you to be a member annually, and if you’re happy to date. Please comment below.

Last modified: July 6, 2008

4 Responses to " A Question for Businesses on West 4th "

  1. Amused says:


  2. Rob says:

    @Amused. Maybe a little bold – but I’m willing to reap praise on them if they’re doing a great job. Let’s hear it from the busineses on 4th – feel free to comment anonymously if you like.

  3. 07/08 Budget says:


    The Kitsilano 4th Avenue Business Improvement Association has submitted the following business promotion scheme and budget for Council’s approval and has requested a recoverable grant of $135,419 for 2007-08. The total requested amount includes operational funding of $135,000 plus an additional levy amount of $419 to offset a corresponding City deduction from 2007-08 disbursements. The purpose of the deduction is to enable the City to recover a 2006 BIA levy shortfall incurred due to inclusion of an exempt property.

    a. Basic Levy Amount $135,000
    b. Levy Adjustment to Offset City Recovery $419
    Total LEVY $135,419
    c. Surplus Carried Forward 5,000
    TOTAL BUDGET $140,419

    a. Business Promotion, Advertising & Special Events $39,500
    b. Street Amenities & Enhancements – Banners, Clean Team $25,000
    c. Security Patrol $40,000
    d. Staffing, Administration & Communication $34,150
    e. Levy Adjustment to Offset City Recovery 419
    f. Contingency 1,350
    TOTAL $ 140,419

    Projected Reserve Fund at 2007-08 Year End $ NIL

    The business promotion scheme was approved by the majority of members present at a reconvened general meeting held on September 21, 2006. Further details of the proposed budget are provided in Appendix O. This is the second year of their second five-year mandate.

  4. Rob says:

    Here’s a response I received by email:

    Not enough! They have not supported local business\’s in a noticeable way as the street has been developed. There have been numerous street closures due to building construction, road work and putting things like meters onto the street. There is nothing done to tell landlords about the benefit of these developments (except the obvious rent increases) but what about all the lost shopping days, more rent and what do we get?
    West 4th has a history of great personality that is quickly being lost to the Footlockers of this world. It is getting harder for the personality driven retailers to hold their place. What is going on with the price point and who exactly is this street for? I am confused about what they are doing for us.