Kitsilano Liquor Barn?


The Kitsilano Wine Cellar on West 4th has earned a well-deserved reputation as one of the foremost wine retailers in Vancouver. With over 1,000 labels to choose from, Kits Wine Cellar has been the place to go when you need a thoughtful suggestion for a dinner party or gift.

What most people don’t realize is that the Kitsilano Wine Cellar is part of publically-traded Income Fund called the Liquor Stores Income Fund (LIQ.UN on the TSX – currently $18.25 per unit). The Fund owns 201 liquor stores across British Columbia and Alberta and the majority of them fly the Liquor Barn or Liquor Depot flag.

Established back in August of 2003, the Kitsilano Wine Cellar was once a privately owned liquor store but it was acquired a couple years back by the Income Fund. Kudos to the Fund for continuing to operate the store like a local, independant wine boutique. I can’t imagine Kitsilano’s wine lovers flocking to their local Liquor Barn.

Last modified: June 24, 2008

7 Responses to " Kitsilano Liquor Barn? "

  1. darren says:

    publicly traded or not, don’t forget their outstanding service. it’ll pop your cork!

  2. Peter says:

    It’s too bad they can’t spell “Kitsalano” on their locations map:

  3. David says:

    I’d debate the outstanding service… I know many people who have left the store feeling that they were looked down upon because they didn’t know much about wine. If you’re OK shopping at corporate run establishments than that’s OK. The money flows to the investors rather than to the community.

  4. Joni says:

    Came back from Kitsilano Wine Cellar about an hour ago…..still fuming from the feeling of “being looked down upon” by Cashier No. 10. Yes, we did go in looking for bargains, but we certainly do not deserve that kind of service. To make matter worse, when we asked for a box for the 14 bottles of wine, she told us: “I can’t get you a box but I can get you a bag”. We later found out that she actually charged us $3.58 for the bags! Not going back there again….

  5. Peter says:

    Some of the worst service I have had since I went to their old address next door.Someone should teach the employees some retail etiquette when it comes to service. The customer is the one paying their wages and anyone that tells me to “hurry up we close in 2 minutes” the minute I walk in the door should be working picking up garbage. Shows you the level of training The Liquor Barn gives it ‘s employees…Barnyard 101.