The O’Keefe now “Tapestry”


I understand senior care is big business. I also understand big business often relies on brands. Nevertheless, I find the renaming of The O’Keefe – a high-end seniors living centre located in Arbutus Walk – into Tapestry both puzzling and annoying. The name “The O’Keefe” refers to the brewery that once occupied the four blocks between Arbutus & Vine and 10th & 12th that now make up Arbutus Walk. The building’s design features a replica of the original brewing tower. “Tapestry”, on the other hand, is the kind of name you expect to see ridiculed over at Condohype.

And, yes, that image is actually from their website.

Last modified: May 5, 2008

One Response to " The O’Keefe now “Tapestry” "

  1. Suspicious it is!

    Ironic that a historical landmark and old age don’t go together?

    Suspect is the accounting tapestry of retired souls in a “Golden Pond” of Honey Lager that has “flattened” the bottom line.

    I’m just saying…