Bulges and Pinch Points


BulgeI’ve noticed a few traffic upgrades around Kitsilano in the last little while. One of the major upgrades – new and widened sidewalks along Broadway, west of MacDonald – was done a while back and is definitely an improvement. Some nice features include bulges in the sidewalks to make pedestrian crossing easier, for instance at Bayswater.

Another traffic upgrade is currently underway along West 12th, between Trafalgar and MacDonald. The sidewalks are being widened, parking is improved/added, and a new set of lights has been added at Trafalgar and 12th.

Bulges and new sidewalk ramps are being installed at the Arbutus and West 8th intersection, presumably to make crossing easier and safer for St. Augustine’s pupils. Too bad none of them walk to school.

The last “upgrade” I have come across are pinch points on Vine and Yew, just south of Broadway. These pinch points have been installed to prevent drivers from turning south when they come out of the lane that houses the London Drugs/Marketplace IGA parkade. In theory this is a great traffic calming measure, but unfortunately there are too many drivers that deem themselves too important to abide to basic traffic rules.

Any upgrades around Kits that I missed?

Last modified: March 9, 2008

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