Kitsilano Shoplifter Alert


Cheryl at Wine Kitz was kind enough to alert us of a predator that has been on the loose in Kitsilano – Cell Phone Guy.

I was wondering if you have a place on your site for businesses and people to support each other. One thing I find odd is that every bussiness I have been in knows about this shoplifter, scammer. Yet people don’t tell the police or each other for that fact. He has been around for years and has been arrested several times. If we all worked together we could inform each other about stuff like this it would make our place even better. It would also be good for non business owners as this guy gets everyone. His new thing is pretending to be a patient in doctor’s/dentist’s offices and stealing people’s purses, wallets, jackets. He has gotten 3 offices at 4th and Alma that we know of. If people had the heads up on this stuff there would be less chance of falling victim to it. I got this photo from the numerous bookstores in Kits that he is banned from.

Thanks Cheryl!

Last modified: February 29, 2008

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