Some Openings, Closings, and Moves


In the last few weeks/months there have been a number of changes around where we live that somehow never made it to a post. Most of these are relatively small changes, and typically involve stores with little or no web presence. As these non-postable changes have been accumulating for a while now, I figured I could take this relatively slow period to do a hodge-podge post:

  • For all I know they may have been around for ages, but I never noticed them before. Api’s Tea Drops is a small tea house on Broadway (2219 @ Yew), adding to the already high number of tea places in and around Kits. They have free wireless to boot.
  • Lakshmi Boutique has taken over the spot vacated by Over the Moon Chocolate Company (2868 W. Broadway), who, like Kava before them, are focusing on their wholesale activities. Lakshmi offers some stylish looking women’s clothing and appears to be a nice addition to West Broadway.
  • Until quite recently I was not really a massage person, but last week I went to Broadway@Yew Chiropractic & Massage for a great back massage. I’ll definitely be returning, but will have to do so at their new location. They are moving from 2585 Yew Street to right across the street from the new London Drugs.
  • The Kitsilano version of Fish Cafe has closed down after a mere year and a half. On the door there is a note suggesting that they have moved to 1629 Yew Street. This happens to be the address of “Sea Shanty”. A web search reveals little information, other than some similarly named establishments across the province.
  • Marrakesh Design, an interesting, independent home decor store on Arbutus, is going out of business (some clearance items still remain). It appears they too will keep an online business.

There really isn’t too much point keeping track of all the sushi places around Kits, but for what it’s worth: U Bento (2568 Arbutus @ 10th) is now called iSushi, but it doesn’t look like much else has changed. They have some decent house rolls, but also appear to serve Shark Fin Nigiri. Boo. Perhaps Temaki Sushi around the corner (2156 W. Broadway) is a better option. They recently re-opened after a fairly extensive renovation and doubling of their space. They sure accomplished this faster than Moderne Burger…

Last modified: June 2, 2008

3 Responses to " Some Openings, Closings, and Moves "

  1. Bookworm says:

    iSushi should be boycotted until they remove it from their menu!

  2. kitsgirl says:

    Temaki sushi ROCKS!!! its the best sushi place around, its reasonably priced, and the waitresses are such sweethearts!! it was a sad sad summer while they were closed for reno’s. nowhere else in the neighborhood compares. YUM!!! their sunshine roll is the best!

  3. ahem08 says:

    im sorry to hear that you are disappointed with i sushi’s shark fin menu…but hearing that really disappoints me because we go to i sushi quite often and in the beginning we noticed the shark fin thing but asked the waitress about it and they said its imitation…so lets clear that up…so sharks had to die…YAY!!!!!!…….ive been to tamaki…and well…there sushi is ok…but the stuff from the kitchen…not sooooo greeat….seen better…tasted better….