Browns Social House


Browns Social House in Kitsilano is a 2007 replication of the Yaletown mothership.  For those of you who have some Kits history in your Lululemon pocket, you may recall Browns’ Kitsilano location (the corner of West 4th and Vine) as former home to a quaint little restaurant known for its late night hours and cheap weekend brunches – ‘The Vineyard’.  And so begins our story…

Now, I’m not a restautant critic and I don’t play one on TV either.  What does that mean and why should you keep reading?  What it means is that you won’t find me yammering on about the dishes, the prices, the presentation, the etc. Why you should keep reading is beacuse I am about to tell you what you need to know about this place before you decide to go to this place.  I think that’s kind of important, don’t you?

If you’d like to know more about my recent experience at Browns and why you should care, go here

Browns Social House Kitsilano in Vancouver

Last modified: June 2, 2008

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