The Sweet Tooth Fairy


A sweet-toothed angel must be watching over us in Kitsilano. No matter which direction I go in, sweet delights are never far. Pie craving? Head North-West. Those sickly sweet, yet so addictive cupcakes? Due West. Fabulous cakes, pastries, and Terra Breads bread to boot? A short stroll South. Heading East takes me past French pastry heaven and the home of fantastic Scandinavian shortbread cookies. And now the North-East corner seems to be covered as well, as this is where the most decadent of all North American decadencies can be found at the newly opened Cheesecake 101.

If I was a conspiracy theorist, I would find it highly suspicious that nearly all of these places seem to be within a block or so from a dental centre…

Cheesecake 101 Gourmet Outlet on Urbanspoon

Last modified: June 5, 2008

2 Responses to " The Sweet Tooth Fairy "

  1. Rob says:

    I had a popper today at Cheesecake 101 and it was excellent – this place could be the next Cupcakes.

  2. Laura South says:

    I totally agree with you – my fave flavour is the chocolate raspberry!!!
    Although…they are way past being a cupcakes store…