Restaurant Renaissance in Kitsilano


Andrew Morrison over at the Westender writes this week about how lucky we are over in Kits when it comes to food… even more interesting is his summary of the Kits demographic.

In my opinion, it’s one of the smartest locations in the city. You’d think the area would have seen a slow transfer of (buying) power over the last several years —the baby-boomer hippies-turned-professionals-turned-retirees (that was quick) handing the baton to their breeding and equally professional Gen X successors — but an unspoken accommodation between them seems to have been made instead.

On any given day of the week, a stroll down West 4th sees the two generations morphed into one master demographic of Capers-loving, Goretex-wearing, Starbucks-loathing, mountain bike-riding, dog-walking, and restaurant-going shopaholics with more money than sin and equal appetites for self-indulgence and fitness. Indeed, the customers at the legions of yoga-wear, outdoor- gear, and cool-kid kitchen shops aren’t just in the 18-35 demographic — far from it.

Walk into the swanky shoe store Gravity Pope and you might just see a grandmother in Lululemon ng her infant grandson in a Baby Bjorn and trying on a $300 pair of sandals while talking to her stylist on a hot pink Motorola Razr flip phone (complete with Grateful Dead ringtone). For real. From 18-60, the customers of Kits are a marvel of consistency.

Last modified: November 18, 2008

One Response to " Restaurant Renaissance in Kitsilano "

  1. Maggie says:

    I agree we’re lucky here food-wise, but I’m surprised to see Gastropod on your sidebar. Aside from the interesting Logan’s Run atmosphere, the place was a complete disappointment. Maybe they were having an off night… or is that not an endorsement?