A double dose of synchronicity


When I was a teenager, I was a avid follower of Calgary’s local music scene.  One Canada Day in the late 1990s, a friend and I went to Prince’s Island Park and caught several acts, including a talented and easy on the eyes folk singer-songwriter named Tariq.  Fast forward to the present day…The other night my dear banjo-loving friend took me to a folk show in a private East Vancouver home, put on by music journalist Tony Montague, and featuring Tamara Nile.  Who else was in the audience with us?  None other than Tariq.  Turns out he moved to Vancouver about a year ago and is currently living smack in the heart of Kits, working on his music and at the CBC.   Have a listen to some songs here and you’ll know he’s definitely worth checking out at a couple of upcoming shows.

Last modified: December 9, 2008

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