Bright & juicy


There are changes afoot on West Broadway around Carnarvon.  First up, a Jugo Juice is “coming soon,” and despite the annoying redundancy of the name, I will definitely be hitting them up for an overpriced yet delicious smoothie that makes me feel like I’m doing something healthy.  Another delightful surprise are the blue lights forming a canopy on the western half of the block.  I seriously almost giggled out loud when I stepped under them and looked up.  How festive.  Man, I am such a sucker for the holiday spirit…and in early November, no less!

Jugo Juice on Urbanspoon

Last modified: November 18, 2008

2 Responses to " Bright & juicy "

  1. Mike says:

    sounds too close to “Jamba Juice” – a California favourite.

  2. Morgan says:

    I also heart the “Holiday” season Kimmy. I almost giggled out loud at your holiday spirit, can’t wait to see you soooooon!