Puppy love


As Rob mentioned, I recently became a mother to 66 slobbering pounds of shelter mutt named Murphy.   He’s a total basketcase but we’re slogging through it because I’m deep into the love haze.  My place is full of dog appeasing pheromones (not working), and gross pieces of rawhide (working for as long as they last).  The dog whisperer is coming soon, bearing promises of miracles in exchange for one rather large, but mercifully flat, fee. 

In my quest to keep the big guy busy and therefore quiet, we’ve been going on lots of walks.  There are obviously tons of canine Kits residents, both out and about with their nattily dressed owners, and barking at us from lovely picture windows.  There are not, however, many dog parks in the neighbourhood.  In fact, there is only one off leash area within Kits’ borders, and it’s in Vanier Park.  For a carless person like me in Upper Kits, that’s too far for a casual stroll.  I guess we’ll keep hiking up to Valdez Park in Dunbar, at least until I join the Auto Co-op!

Last modified: December 10, 2008

2 Responses to " Puppy love "

  1. colleen says:

    last i heard, from a friend in the co-op, you can’t take the pup in the car uncaged. :S not easily conducive to taking puppy anywhere. it’s why we haven’t joined.

  2. Kimmy says:

    Well, I won’t be joining either if that’s the (infuriatingly stupid) case!