Showboat season upon us


Wholeband_1The melodies of the Kitsilano Showboat lured me off the deck tonight and it was perfect timing. You see, tonight was the official opening ceremony for the 71st season and I was able to snag a souvenir program. Why is this important? The Kitsilano Showboat Society isn’t exactly Internet-savy, so I’m being a good community samaritan by including the entire season schedule on Who cares you say? Well, Maryanne from California wrote me back in April to see if I knew the line-up so that she could fit a show in during her family holiday. Canadians go to Disneyland and Californians come to the Showboat. Read on for the entire schedule.

All start times are 7:30pm unless otherwise noted.

Wednesday, June 28th: Vancouver Firefighters Band

Saturday, July 1st – 4:00pm: Canada Day Celebration

Monday, July 3rd: Peggy Peale Academy of Dance

Wednesday, July 5th: Spotlight Productions

Friday, July 7th: ‘Footloose’ Dance Academy

Monday, July 10th: ‘Polonez’ Polish Folk Dancers

Wednesday, July 12th: Variety Program

Friday, July 14th: ‘Raine Dance’, The Art of Dance

Monday, July 17th: Summer Pops Youth Orchestra

Wednesday, July 19th: Star Performers

Friday, July 21st: Tierra Del Sol Mexican Dancers

Monday, July 24th: Urbana Band

Wednesday, July 26th: D. Kirkwood Academy of Performance

Friday, July 28th: Variety Program, Spirit of the South Seas

Saturday, July 29th: Kalaya’s Hawaiian / Polynesian DAncers

Wednesday, August 2nd: Delta Music Makers

Friday, August 4th: Variety Program

Saturday, August 5th: The Johnny Cash and Friends Show

Monday, August 7th: Variety Program

Wednesday, August 9th: Israeli Youth Folk Dance Group

Friday, August 11th: Dance Express

Monday, August 14th: deBatt’s Polynesian/Hawaiian Dancers

Wednesday, August 16th: The Wesburn Wranglers Square Dancers

Friday, August 18th : Official Closing, Final Night Prize Draws

Last modified: June 28, 2006

7 Responses to " Showboat season upon us "

  1. Dan says:

    Thanks Rob – I’ve been looking for this.

  2. Lorraine says:

    WOW – thanks for this site. The information is just what I have been wanting.

  3. Maryanne says:

    Hi Rob,

    Thank you for the info. We were able to see a couple of shows and I even won a prize 🙂


  4. Rudolf says:

    Hi folks! I spoke to a Vancouver Firefighter at Hats Off Day in Burnaby Heights about a week ago and he told me they’d be playing the 27th, but if rain, then the next day 28th. Your site has a weekday that doesn’t match the calendar date. Wednesday is the 27th

  5. Rob says:

    Hey Rudolf,

    The schedule posted here is for 2006. I haven’t seen the 2007 schedule yet. If any has, please send along and I’ll post it.


  6. Wendy says:

    Kits Showboat 2007
    7:30 start / subject to weather
    July 11 “Footloose” Dance Productions
    July 13 The Dancing Danes
    JUly 16 Variety Program
    July 18 Westside Dance Centre
    July 20 “babes on fourth” Fashion Show
    July 23 “Polonez” Polish Folk Dancers presented by the Polish Friendship ZGoda Society
    July 25 FW
    July 27 Variety Program
    July 28 D. Kirkwood Academy of Performance
    July 29 “Every Nation Church Vancouver” (6pm)
    July 30 Variety Program
    Aug. 1 Keff L’Olam
    Aug. 3 Ray Myers Band
    Aug. 4 Kalayas’ Hawaiian/Polynesian Dancers
    Aug. 6 Variety Program
    Aug. 8 Sister DJ’s Radio Band
    Aug. 10 Mission Thunder Stompers
    Aug. 13 A Little Night Music Orchestra (if cancelled due to weather , the Band will play Thursday 16th)
    Aug. 15 Variety Program, Official Closing, Final Night Prize Draws

  7. Lana says:

    Thanks for posting this schedule. My family went in the 70′ & 80′ when I was a kid and we had friends who performed in the shows.

    Great to have a chance for some nostalgia