If I had a million dollars…


NewhousepicI’d be able to buy a house in Kitsilano. Now that I have a real, live boyfriend (who happens to be a renter in Kits), I’ve been thinking a lot of nesting thoughts. Anytime we’re out and about, we constantly point out to each other the scads of gorgeous heritage homes and adorable post-war bungalows that we’ll never be able to afford.

I’d love to live permanently in Kits and I’m terrified that this insane housing market will find a way to sustain itself in the long term. I’ve still got two years left of school before I can even realistically think about buying. There is always the condo option but I’m a big fan of big dogs, and BBQing for that matter. I’ve talked to people who predict a post-Olympics collapse, but I don’t see how the Olympics being over will change the fact that Vancouver, and Kits in particular are crazy-liveable. I guess I should spend more time working and less time daydreaming on mls.ca.

Last modified: June 24, 2006

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