Only one choice for a hostel in Vancouver: Jericho Beach


Robin Esrock’s recent experience as a backpacker sheds some interesting light on how visiting budget travelers may view our fine city.

Arriving in the city, I head to the backpacker district to find fellow travelers, and a cheap place to stay. My immediate impression, besides the striking mountains in the distance, is the sheer number of homeless people. Not even in Bolivia and Laos, both the poorest countries in their regions, did I see so many seemingly destitute people.

With most of the city’s hostels located on Granville Street, or near the Downtown Eastside, what are the impressions of budget travellers to the city? Just as I filed reports about exotic cities based on my experience in their downtown core, what would I have said about Vancouver if I were staying on the Downtown Eastside, as opposed to, say, Kitsilano? What do budget travellers think of Vancouver, and what are they telling fellow travellers as they journey around North America?

Jericho_1Luckily, most of the world travelers that end up in hostels like the C&N Hostel or Cambie Street Hostel have travelled extensively to the far corners of the world and their frame of reference is slightly different than the average sheltered North American. However, if you were planning a trip to Vancouver from overseas, the proximity of the downtown hostels to cheap food and nightlife may lead you to believe you had made the ideal accommodation choice.

But, today’s backpackers are tomorrow’s tourists, so if anyone asks you to suggest cheap accommodations in Vancouver, be sure to suggest the Jericho Beach Hostel. Mikey has a bed booked for all of July and August.

Last modified: April 25, 2006

One Response to " Only one choice for a hostel in Vancouver: Jericho Beach "

  1. Ariadna says:

    But what’s there to do around the Jericho hostel? Go to the Jericho Arts Centre? DT is central, full of life and attractions. And, as a chick who likes to feel in control at all times the hostels downtown are within walking distance to almost anything that matters whereas stay out too late when you’re staying at Jericho and you end up walking along a deserted road or spending tomorrow’s budget on a cab.

    There was a small article in the G&M this week saying that Vancouver should market the “grittier” part of Vancouver. The rationale is that it would make us more interesting.

    I’ve been to the Royal before and it’s nice (i.e. their beds are from the Four Seasons).